Application Fee
Each institution has its own set of policies and requirements regarding the application fee and Payment options. Please check with them directly if you have any questions about fees.
Payment methods may include:
- Credit Card
- Fee Waiver
Payment Details
To view payment details, answer all required questions and navigate to the "Review" page. The "Submit payment" button will appear at the top of the review page.
Note: Credit Card payments will not be charged until after the application has been submitted.
Credit Cards
Invalid Credit Card
If an applicant receives an error message after entering the credit card information in the payment section, try the following procedures:
- Make sure to enter the credit card information correctly - it should be only numbers; no dashes or spaces.
- Confirm that there are verifiable funds in the account.
If errors are persistent, try using a different credit card.
Fee Waiver
A fee waiver is a conditional substitute for the application fee, which can only be granted by the University. Please contact the University Admissions office for further instructions in obtaining a fee waiver.
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